By Madeline M. Ziecker
This weekend is a great opportunity ?to experience a variety of entertainment on Maui. Learn about an important figure in Hawaiian history at the Iao Theater in Wailuku on Saturday where actor Vinnie Linares plays St. Damien and celebrate Broadway at MAPA?s 23rd Annual Garden Party.
Vinnie Linares playing St. Damien. Photo courtesy of UH.
?DAMIEN,?: 3 FREE PERFORMANCES AT THE HISTORIC IAO THEATER ?Starts at 7:30?p.m.?Saturday/Sunday 9/10-11 ?and at 6:30 on Monday 9/12 at the Iao Theater. Free.
Actor and UH Maui faculty member Vinnie Linares will perform Aldyth Morris?one-man show, ?Damien,? depicting the character of Saint Damien, a famous martyr for those afflicted with leprosy in Hawaii during the 1800s.
The one-man show has raised over $50,000 for local charities, and has educated the public about Saint Damien?s service to the Hawaiian people on Molokai. To show gratitude for the public?s support, the Hawaii Tourism Authority and the County of Maui have made it possible for the Iao Theater to host 3 free shows this weekend and Monday.
MAPA?S 23rd ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY: ?Celebrating Broadway? Sunday from 1-5pm at the Yokouchi family estate in Wailuku. Ticket information below.
Maui Academy of Performing Arts (MAPA) is hosting their 23rd annual fundraiser Garden Party, aiming to raise support for Maui?s children who are involved in the performing arts.
Photo Courtesy of Maui Academy of Performing Arts
This years theme is ?Celebrating Broadway,? where guests are urged to dress up as their favorite Broadway musical personality.
The event will feature:
Chef?s Festival ? Gourmet food, beer, and wine tasting from restaurants including Buzz?s Wharf, Caf? O?Lei, David Paul?s Island Grill, Flatbread Company, Maui Chocolate Fountain, Maui Tacos, Roy?s Kahana, Sea House Restaurant, and the Waterfront. During the festival, live Jazz will be performed by Moondance.
Fresh Art ? Works from local artists will appear throughout the grounds of the event and will be made available for purchase by auctioneers in the afternoon.
Silent Auction ? A silent auction will be held offering hotel stays, ?jewelry, and artwork.
Some of the island?s most talented musical theater performers will showcase favorite show tunes.
Tickets are $125 for VIP reserved seating with table service ($1,000 for a table of eight) or $75 general seating ($85 at the event). Tickets include all food and beverages served at the event. To purchase tickets call 244-8760 or visit the MAPA office, 81 N. Church St. in Wailuku, Queen Ka?ahumanu Center Customer Service Kiosk or The Nail Shop in K?hei.
The Yokouchi family estate is located at 2471 West Main Street in Wailuku. For more information about MAPA, visit?
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